Today brings a happy column from
ANN COULTER, who takes a big bite out of John Kerry. Favorite quotes:
"If John Kerry had a dollar for every time he bragged about serving in Vietnam - oh wait, he does."
"In a profile of Kerry's current heiress wife, Teresa Heinz, in the upcoming issue of Elle magazine, noted journalist Lisa DePaulo quotes Kerry oozing with admiration for his wife, saying she is "very earthy, sexy, European." "Earthy" and "European" appear to be euphemisms for hairy armpits and body odor."
It's a beautiful, sincere column with the subtle grace of a fine print mugging. Go read the whole thing! I met John Kerry once, when he was campaigning in Cambridge in the early eighties. His hair was perfect then too. In fact, it seemed a shame for him to be standing outside the polls, in the rain, with only the warm glow of the tv cameras to warm him....