Thursday, April 03, 2003

Ann Coulter bites Peter Arnett...and detects the taste of Rancid Sedition! Ick!

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

“And spotteth twice they the camels before the third hour

"And spotteth twice they the camels before the third hour.

And so the Midianites went forth to Ram Gilead in Caddesh Bill Gameth by Shoreth Fur Regallion, to the House of Gash Bill Bethuel Bazda, He who brought the Butter Dish to Bel Shazzar and the Tent Peg to the House of Rashimon, and there, slew they the goats. Yea!

And placed they the bits, in little pots. Here Endeth the Lesson"

John Cleese, The Meaning of Life

White House Puts End to Drug Terror Ad Program

Yay! This from the Washington Post via Cato. I always hated these moronic ads, and it turns out so did the target audience. Once they were forced (by the FCC, no less!) to disclose who was paying for this propaganda, nay, BULLSHIT propaganda, they gave up. Praise Elvis!

A nifty editorial, with a new idea on an alternative to affirmative action from the Baltimore Sun via Google news. If you click on Google today, you'll notice the story selection has a different bias than it did two days ago, when African conspiracy editorials topped the war news! It would be lots of fun if Google gave the responsibility for selecting stories to lefties one day, righties the next, anarchists after that, and just some stoned loony off the street on odd Mondays. Anybody know for real who picks the links?

This in from The Australian:

IRAQ President Saddam Hussein said only one third of his armed forces have engaged in battle with the US-led coalition so far, in a message read out in his name on Iraqi satellite TV.
Iraq will be victorious against the US and British invaders, Saddam vowed in his new message to the Iraqi people, his second in as many days that he has failed to read out himself.
"Fight them. Victory, thank God, is (near). We have only deployed a third of our army, or even less than a third," the Iraqi president's statement said. "In fact, more than less than a third. Only a tenth, no wait, only one-hundredth of our might only have the cursed invaders faced---and only the weakest of our armed forces, the ones who failed to graduate from Saddam Hussein High with perfect attendance records. The Invaders should go home now if they wish to avoid defeat by the REAL army".

I was just getting used to this blog thing, then wham, down it goes. After Iraq, many ask, what next? I vote we do Zimbabwe next. Any takers?

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

A little something from the Good Germans:

Recent polls have shown that more than 80 percent of Germans are against the war in Iraq and fully stand behind Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's tough stance against US President George W. Bush's war in Iraq. While many of the actions are aimed at galvanizing larger boycotts of US companies, others, like a doctor in the northern German town of Rendsburg, are making more personal anti-war statements.

A sign on the door to 61-year-old Eberhard Hoffmann's dermatology practice warns anyone from countries belonging to the US-led alliance against seeking treatment from him.
"I forbid Americans and Britons, as well as anyone else who supports the war to enter my practice," he said. "The war in Iraq is a crime." Hoffmann acknowledged he has no US or British patients and said the action was largely symbolic. "If they don't stop their crimes, such as defending themselves from terrorists, then I will sneer at them a Second Time. And then they will feel the oily, acne pimply skin and the heartbreak of psoriasis. So there!"

The above from the Jerusalem Post which seems to have the freshest news from the Gulf---big suprise, eh?

I had to look up Elizabeth Wurtzel for this to make sense, but then it all became clear and FUNNY.

Monday, March 31, 2003

This (partial quote) from the Jerusalem Post:

US and British forces have become extremely concerned about suicide attacks since Saturday when an Iraqi driving a taxi blew himself up at a checkpoint in the southern city of Najaf, killing four American soldiers. Iraq said the man was a noncommissioned officer.
Iraqi officials say they will be more such attacks. On Monday, Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri said that more than 5,000 Arabs had come to Iraq to fight.

"Most of them want to train on martyrdom attacks," Sabri said.

I'm thinking that training probably takes its toll on the more successful prospective suicide bombers....and that maybe we could start our own clandestine training camp...."yes, you're up Achmed! A little further back...a little Pull! Next!"

I should also mention in passing that the Michigan Daily is the big demi-official student paper at the U. If you want a more conservative flavor in student work, (you know, more intelligent, thoughtful, etc.) check out the Michigan Review. They have a neat New York Times bumper sticker that you get if you contribute to the Cause.

This morning there's a remarkably fair article in the Michigan Daily on the pending affirmative action case, which the Supremes will be hearing tomorrow. It's easy to miss with all the war news, but it's remotely possible that this case could end official racial discrimination in university admissions. Yeah, that's right! I have a friend who's a freshman and black. He aced the SAT's and is majoring in Biomed. He also plays football. Nobody should believe he got there solely because of his race.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

To read a truly Horrible Awakening on just who's been selling the Iraqi's Bad Things, check out the link from the WSJ. On the web you hear everything from "The US is totally innocent" to "The US armed Saddam Hussein it's own bad self". This piece gives one of the most objective looks that I've seen.

Bill Whittle has just gone and done IT AGAIN and proved he's the best thing since and in addition to Peggy Noonan. If you've never read his essays, you just have to! Even if you absolutely disagreed with everything he has to say (and I assume no one who's read this page fits that description) you would still have to admire the command of language.