Thursday, November 20, 2003

This is just icky.

Lawmakers Approve Expansion of F.B.I.'s Antiterrorism Powers

via the Drudge Report

Here's a new column by Ann Coulter:

The Party Of Ideas

but she could have just called it "Tales of Woe by the Democratic Candidates" although I suppose that's too long.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Since we're quickly coming up on the anniversary of JFK's assassination, it's interesting to see what kind of take the different news outlets have on the subject. For example, from ABC and Peter Jennings, we learn that there was no conspiracy, and the Warren Commission were a distinguished group of truth-seekers. (See it on Thursday at 9:00 on ABC) The claim appears to be that ABC investigated and can prove it all never happened. Or something. I mean, this story was all over the web a few days ago and now it's GONE...but it'll ramp up again Thursday I'll betcha.

On Fox News, we find that there are yet some serious questions, with a couple of stories like this one:

Americans Remember JFK Assassination and an upcoming special that looks at unexplained facts about Oswald.

Meanwhile, on the History Channel, there's a GREAT series that says, frankly, JOHNSON DID IT! and backs it up with The Men Who Killed Kennedy

It's a very persuasive show, with interviews with lots of people who knew parts of the story. You can buy the six part series HERE.

I remember a cartoon by Gilbert Shelton in the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers wherein Phineas is looking for a rifle. "How about this one?" asks the clerk, "It's a Mannlicher-Carcano. The most accurate gun in the world, according to the Warren Commission, and it's only $19.95."

According to some sources, the least believed words in the English language: "Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone..."

And I am really impressed by the fact that after so many years, I could still spell Mannlicher-Carcano. The Kennedy assassination showed the true depths of corruption in American government, and the full story is still emerging. People who dismiss the official version are labelled as nuts by some in the media, except that seems to be the opinion of the majority of Americans. Some times, albeit seldom, we get it right together.

Monday, November 17, 2003

Make sure you read the Letter to Supporters!

Cute, and great for playing practical jokes on your humorously challenged Republican friends.