Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Couldn't help myself! Here's one for the FSPer's out there!

"Free Staters" pick New Hampshire

"A libertarian movement promoting 'minimalist government,' the free
market, drugs, prostitution and gun ownership plans to infiltrate New
Hampshire to create a breakaway American regime, its leaders will
announce today. The Free State Project, which has supporters in the
UK and worldwide, will reveal today at a meeting in New York that its
members have voted for the small but highly-symbolic north-eastern
state as its target to win power. Project chiefs will now try to
persuade 20,000 people to move to New Hampshire and sway the
electorate towards blocking federal 'nanny' laws and social
restrictions." (10/01/03),12271,1053062,00.html

via Ernie Hancock's letter...

Also, I beat the FSP Yahoo! Group in the release. Fastest mouse in the west...and East, too it would appear. Unless this is just some wacky diversion...must always qualify with THAT 'round these here parts.

Gonna be lotsa postin' today! Here's a cool story:

School Band Director Apologizes for Show That Featured Nazi Flag

It seems so appropriate, somehow, for a High School to do. If you went to MY school you'd understand...the administration was made up of Nazis, you see. We knew it all the time. Apparently these days they're just more upfront about it...

On an unrelated note, this morning I drove past a church sign, you know, one of those that says things like "Liberty is the Freedom to do what you Ought to do" and other inane and somewhat puzzling statements which change on a semi-regular basis. Anyway, this one made me laugh out loud:

"God Smiles When I Trust Him"

So do I pal, so do I...