Thursday, November 13, 2003

Officials say you've got to expect this sort of thing in "The Rough"....

Golfer Bitten in Head by Rattlesnake

Apparently it's common in Georgia...

SEE the Waiter From Hell!

Waiter sentenced for vandalizing customers' home; family fearful
The Associated Press

I've always felt this to be true...

Beer drinkers' guide to a healthier heart
By Jeremy Laurance

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Some funny stuff from Dave Kopel that you'll enjoy.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Here's a good piece, you'll probably agree with it but that's not my problem!

The Selective 'Right to Choose'

by David Boaz

Hi There.

Many of you probably are already familiar with the FDA refusing to let
US doctors administer stem cells to heart failure patients. There's an
article on page 14 of the October issue of Life Extension that details
a successful proceedure used on a 16-year-old boy that involved
harvesting his own stem cells (from blood) and injecting them directly
into the artery that feeds the heart wall. His heart efficiency, as
measured by the ejection fraction, went from 20% to 40% (50% being
normal for his age), a truly remarkable recovery. The FDA ordered that
the proceedure not be repeated, as it was "not proven safe or

This proceedure was developed at a heart institute in Texas and was
the subject of a recent Discovery! program. Recently, doctors tested
the proceedure on 16 patients in Brazil, aged 60 years or over, and
found that the results were dramatic. Patients who were previously
confined to wheelchairs were shown jogging.

Heart failure will cause about 51,500 deaths to Americans this year,
according to the American Heart Association. Many will die waiting for
a heart transplant, which until the stem cell proceedure was one of
the only treatment options.

So what does this have to do with US? Well, we'd like to have a clinic
in Panama that did the proceedure. The problem is, I have no idea how
to proceed on this one---I suspect it's somewhat more involved than
starting a brewery, even. We are starting by contacting the Life
Extension Foundation
to see if they have any good ideas, or would be
willing to work with us. If you know anyone there and think this is a
good idea, please contact them.

If you have any suggestions on who else to contact, or who might have
an interest in funding or operating such a clinic, please email me or
Ben. Thanks!


This was cross posted from The Port Watson Project...