Hi there.
There is a link at: Free Tommy Chong!
to NORML's site, wherin you can protest Tommy Chong's recent
sentencing for selling glass pipes. We tried to find out if there were
a defense fund, but his attorney said no, there wasn't. If I ever get
busted and fellow bloggers write my attorney and ask where to send
money, he'd damn well have a better answer than that.
There is also a site that links to Cafe Express, with t-shirts for
$15.99 with the Free Tommy Chong! logo. Not surprisingly, it's at
Free Tommy Chong!
Tommy Chong, a longtime Libertarian, was also fined $100,000. He was
sentenced to 9 months in prison; ironically on September 11th.
In a recent interview, Chong said "I guess my bongs were the only
weapons of mass destruction they could find."