Hello Again! Tomorrow is a special day in California. Why? Cause I've bet a pint on Arnold, and any event I bet on automatically becomes strangely compelling. Today saw a fantastic column by Mark Morford, here's a slice:
China: Now With .002 Percent Less Bitter Oppressive Scowling
Last Wednesday, China eliminated a much-resented requirement for couples to obtain their bosses' approval before getting married, prompting thousands of couples to wed in what, for some, was also a celebration of the retreat of outside interference in their private lives. Couples lined up as early as 5 a.m. outside marriage registration offices. Restaurants and hotel banquet halls were booked solid in major cities, and Beijing's streets were clogged with flower-bedecked motorcades. Couples said "I do" Wednesday at mass ceremonies in city squares, at tree planting ceremonies and even at a Beijing drive-in theater, which transported brides to the ceremony on horseback. However, the Minister of SCowling Oppressive Paranoia and Dread insisted the new change had no bearing on China's long-standing law decreeing that any and all citizens walk around looking slightly paranoid and haunted at all times, as if the government were about to grab you from behind at any moment and shove you into a dark alley somewhere in Beijing and carve out your kidneys with a long blade and sell them to black market organ dealers as you lay quivering in the corner, bleeding and confused, wondering when China will finally get some DSL service so you can get some decent streaming porn.
Sure, Mark's a flaming liberal, but FUNNY even when he eats my sacred cows...in a very HST kind of way. Enjoy. The slime from the LA Times at the last minute reminds me of why I hate politics...Get even, vote Terminator!
I offered to put up a yard sign, but apparently the campaign decided that wouldn't do any good in Michigan.
Still, best wishes Arnold! Drinks on you I hope...