Saturday, December 02, 2006

FDR n' W

A while back, I mentioned that the argument of people who say that if 911 were a conspiracy, it would be too hard for conspirators to cover up is mistaken. So, better late than never, here are a few bits about that. The US government has covered up provocations in many situations, right back to the Mexican-American war in 1846. Also there is evidence that Lincoln did it at Ft. Sumpter; there is the Lusitania prior to WWI, and the Gulf of Tonkin resolution that provided LBJ with the entry into the Vietnam war. All of these were sucessfully covered up for years. In fact, most people STILL don't know the true story about ANY of them! However, the best documented example of the feds sticking to their story is FDR and Pearl Harbor. The press always knew there was something fishy going on, and there were speculations at the time that FDR had foreknowledge of the attack. However, it wasn't until 2000 that an author named Robert Stinnett, using Freedom of Information Act requests, was able to settle the issue once and for all. Take a peak at this:

Do Freedom of Information Act Files Prove FDR Had Foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor?

March 11, 2002
Robert B. Stinnett, Douglas Cirignano

There are lots of articles on the web and elsewhere about the Gulf of Tonkin. Yet, history teachers in public schools don't talk about it. They also insist that the "Civil War" (known in the South as the War of Northern Aggression ; ) was started because of slavery---not even mentioned by Lincoln for two years after the start of the fighting!

The first time I heard the argument that "it can't be true because it would be too hard to keep it quiet" was, ironically, used by Chuck Colson in his book "Born Again" in favor of the Christian message of the crucifiction. Which is even less sensical. Anyway, I don't think the feds pulled off 911 without leaks. Even the new James Bond flick mentions the fact that some unknown folks made a mint from shorting airline stocks! (WHO have never been revealed). Someday, the official story of 911 will join the Warren Commission report and the Pearl Harbor investigation as widely acknowledged works of fiction. If you don't believe the gov had foreknowledge of 911, good on ya, but don't try to use history to justify your opinion! Cheers, K

Lost Seinfeld Episode: Kramer at the Laugh Factory

Lost Seinfeld Episode: Kramer at the Laugh Factory

Absolutely a scream. From the National Lampoon folks!

Bong Hits 4 Jesus, yes indeed.

Court Takes Bong Hits 4 Jesus Case
by Mark Sherman

Look who the prosecuter is!