Iraqis Cheer U.S. Troops, Loot in Baghdad
Proudhon was proved right, just for today, and a lot of Iraqis are aquiring property in droves. My first thought at reading this story was, "What Ministry would I loot, if, God forbid, the Army should one day liberate Washington DC?" I decided it would have to be the Smithsonian, and I'd need a big truck to haul away all the swag, so the truck would have to be liberated from the Ministry of Public Works first. Then you'd see the Mother of All Garage Sales, I'll bet.
In weeks to come, we'll hear all about the "Transition to a Market Economy" in Baghdad, but don't forget that it all starts by first aquiring goods for resale, like television sets, air conditioners, ceiling fans, and Iraqi jeeps. I think the Iraqis are going to regret throwing away weapons though, it'll be a sellers market someday. I wonder if anybody thought if looting a few tanks and parking them in the garage? Tanks have certain advantages in heavy downtown traffic. Even the old T-55s are better than, say, a Ford Escort in any serious urban confrontation. Also, there are plenty of spare parts just lying around for the taking, next to all major thoroughfares.
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