Tuesday, April 08, 2003

From the AP:
Iraqi forces staged a major counterattack Tuesday morning, sending buses and trucks full of fighters across the Tigris River in an attempt to overrun US forces holding a strategic intersection on the western side of Baghdad.

Hmmm. The first report I saw didn't mention the trucks, just the buses, which is much more amusing. I can imagine the briefing..."Heros of Iraq! Soon you will fight the accursed Crusader Invaders! Take your rifles and RPG's and also big sticks, if you have them! You will board the 6:30 commuter bus at the corner of Saddam Boulevard and Hussein Street, then transfer to the Uptown #30 at the main station. You will get off the bus and smite the enemy. We will send the buses back to take you to the victory parade in Saddam Square around lunchtime. Saddam himself has paid a full fifty percent of your fare! So it will only cost you a quarter for the ride, which you can make back very quickly with the $14,000 cash reward for every tank you destroy! I only wish that I, your Commander, could come with you, but I have a wicked cold today!"

Information Minister Mohammad Said al-Sahaf said the Iraqis had "imprisoned" US forces inside their tanks.
"They are going to surrender or be burned in their tanks," Sahhaf said when asked if it was not time for Baghdad to give up.


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