Thursday, May 15, 2003


Sure, he made up stories. Sure, he manufactured facts. Sure, he plagerized other writers and falsified his expense reports. He was just a pretend journalist. And now he's the Whipping Boy of the Notorious Raines, the Sacrificial Goat of the New York Times---and he's already reported to be negotiating a 6-figure contract to tell his story. He deserves every dime, because finally people will (just maybe) start to realize that the media is all ABOUT deceit, and made up stories, and manufactured stats and "facts". The mainstream media lies through it's collective teeth most of every day, and if the odd piece of truth should emerge it's just an accident. You might think this is a harsh judgement, but let me explain that our language allows many shades of meaning, colored with emotion and known to give certain reactions. Consider this recent headline:

House Won't Renew Ban on Assault Weapons

"The Republican-controlled House will not renew the federal ban on Uzis and other semiautomatic weapons, a key leader said yesterday, dealing a significant blow to the campaign to clamp down on gun sales nationwide," reports The Washington Post.

Let's look at the headline first. First of all, you'll notice that we have "Assault Weapons" which is a term used by the left to make you think you're dealing with machine guns, which have been illegal since 1927. Even the quote following tells you you're talking about semiautomatics, most of which are rifles. Second, you might think, and reasonably so, that these weapons have been banned and that suddenly they'll be legal again. However, what really happened was that the weapons themselves could still be sold in the U.S., provided that they were manufactured prior to 1994. So really they've been available all along---from licensed dealers. This is just one recent example and I'll be looking at some others in more depth---but I think the point that you are being fed a load of hooey along with your news is made in this instance. Must go now, back soon.


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