Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Last night on the news Wolf Blitzer and a commentator who vaguely resembled Janine Turner (let's just call her J), having nearly run out of things to say about the war, started talking about keeping the troops awake during very tiring circumstances. I don't recall exactly what they said, but it was something (assume I'm making this up completely.) like this:

J: To keep the troops alert, the military gives them amphetamines. They're called "Go Pills".
(slight pause)
W: Uh, couldn't they just use caffeine pills, or coffee or something?
J: It turned out that the military was worried about the diuretic effect, and dehydration was a concern in the desert.
Also, it made the troops edgy, and cranky too, and nobody wanted that. So caffeine is not being issued to the troops.
W: Why are they calling the stuff "Go Pills"? What's wrong with speed, or crank, or meth? Those words were good enough for us when we were in college.
J: Nope. It's Go Pills. Gotta be Go Pills, because that sounds less like street drugs. The troops need access to the very finest in clean pharmecutical grade crank, as you put it, because they have the need, the need for speed. Plus they never, ever, grind those Go Pills up and snort them through a straw, like I've seen you do in the employee lunchroom when you're working late.
W: Has the military ever considered that maybe a cranky military would be superior to a force that's simply alert? That maybe amphetimine psychosis is the way to go?
J: Our military advisors say this information is classified. But you can bet our troops are going to leap on the Iraqi divisions like opening a can of whupass on a roach in the kitchen.
W: Thank you.


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