Ok, so there were two things that were bothering me recently that I wanted to write about. Here's the first:
Anarchist Web Site Lands Man in Jail
Associated Press
LOS ANGELES - A federal judge sentenced a man to a year in prison Monday for creating an anarchist Web site with links to sites on how to build bombs.
Every time I get to thinking that we're NOT REALLY living in a police state, something like this comes along to convince me I'm wrong. The reason that the 20-year-old Sherman Austin plea bargained was that he was threatened with a 20 YEAR SENTENCE by the feds for being a terrorist. Of course, he never actually BUILT a bomb, or even told anyone how to do it---he just gave links to places that did. Here's some more of his punishment:
Austin must also pay a $2,000 fine and is barred for three years from using a computer without approval. Wilson said he also may not associate with anyone from a group that "espouses physical force as a means of change."
I guess that would keep him out of the Republican and Democratic parties BOTH, now wouldn't it?
Also, don't libraries have books on chemistry? Does that mean you'd get 20 years for linking to a library? Does Amazon have books like that? How about tv shows like McGyver (sp?) where the lead character was always building neat bomb thingies out of table scraps? Would you get 20 years for linking to TV Guide? I suppose we'll find out, won't we?
It's about time to go to Port Watson.
The other thing that was bugging me, somewhat more trivial, was the hiding Arnold the S man is getting from Democrats over an interview where he admits to smoking pot and participating in group sex. It's ok for the president, but not a governor, is that the message? I mean, I thought Dems were supposed to be FOR those things, or at least the privacy to do so in your own home. There's just no pleasing some people.
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