Monday, August 25, 2003


The power outrage knocked my hard drive down...I replaced it but then couldn't get the thang to work with the ethernet card...probably because of installing lots and lots of drivers. email until just a couple of hours ago. We had a rough time when the power went out, only an hour and five minutes from when I posted on the 14th. We knew the hamburger wouldn't last in the heat, or the champagne either---so we grilled one of them. And drank the rest. Then it was down to the basement to see if there was anything else to drink...and there seemed to be. We fired up some candles and hung out on the deck, sweating and listening to NPR on the battery powered boom box. I'm sure they meant well, but every other sentence started "In New York..." which was rather off-base considering that the local NPR station is in Ypsilanti. Now it appears that Ohio, and not Canada, may be to blame---rather than Wild-Eyed Islamic Fundamentalist Eaters of Fishstix.

I missed the best day of our website, Visit Port Watson! which received over 1200 hits on Monday the 18th. (You should visit too.) Also, there's a fine new Yahoo! Group that you can join. Of course, I also had several hundred email messages to fight through, but that's done now. Really missed the email when I didn't have any---a very unexpected and tragic thing it was to be without Dilbert, blogs, WSJ, all that and More!

One of the best things in my inbox was Ann Coulter's new column about the California governors race. It's classic. Enjoy! I'm going off to READ now!


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