Tuesday, April 29, 2003

From CNN, regarding a speach by President Bush:

In Michigan, Bush vowed that the United States will help Iraqis create a democratic society.
"America has no intention of imposing our form of government or our culture," he told Iraqi-Americans. "Yet we will ensure that all Iraqis have a voice in the new government and all citizens have their rights protected."

I have, as they say, issues with more parts of these statements than one might expect. What's the point of invading a country if you can't IMPOSE on them? It's not as if we dropped in for dinner unannounced, you know. Nay, that would be just rude. As for no Mercantile Republic (that being our form of government, incidentally) what sort of government gives all Iraqis a voice and protects all citizens rights? 'Cause I want one of those! Nice trick if it can be pulled off, I'm pretty sure it would be unique among the governments of the earth. As for the second imposition, our culture is what we've got going for us, at least in the ideal form of tolerance toward others while doing kegstands. Possibly what the President meant was that we would impose our culture and form of government on the Iraqis unintentionally, kind of sort of accidental-like. Yeah, that's gotta be it. Let's do it.


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